Industrial. Institutional. Abandoned.

New exhibition with the DK Photo Group - STEEL - March 1-28

Added on by Sean Galbraith.

STEEL - a new photography exhibition by members of the DK Photo Group
Twist Gallery, 1100 Queen Street West, Toronto
March 1-28, 2012
Opening Reception: March 9, 7pm-10pm 


For the better part of three hundred years steel has contributed to the development of the western world and formed a significant foundation for the wealth of nations. Towns, cities and regions have been built by the steel industry on several levels. The extraction of resources, its processing, the manufacturing of product and the recycling of the material has forged the fabric and social consciousness of many cultures.

With the significance of the steel industry in the forefront, the DK Photo Group's Russell Brohier, Sean Galbraith, Steve Jacobs, and Mathew Merrett pay homage to this engine of social development. The usual subject matter of the group is of abandoned spaces, lying derelict and as social artefacts is carried through in this exhibition. In these images are testimonials to the lives of individuals who work in the myriad of companies shaped by the steel industry. From the mining and processing of the natural resources which produce the steel, to manufacturing of automobiles and other goods which rely on steel, to the recycling of the material. These images are steeped with the meaning which the steel industry has, particularly for the North American culture and economy.